


      北京安泰生物醫用材料有限公司(  簡稱  “安泰生物 ” )前身成立于1988年,原冶金部鋼鐵研究院物理( 13室 )發展而來, 原鋼鐵研究院首批成立的企業之一, 原北京市高新技術企業試驗區首批重點企業,專門從事口腔材料的研發、生產與經營,立志成為國內先進口腔材料及其制品供應商和醫用材料產業平臺。 2011年11月11日,由北京大學口腔醫學院和安泰生物公司共建的  “ 口腔數字化醫療技術和材料國家工程實驗室”隆重揭牌。 該國家工程實驗室是口腔醫學領域第一個國家級工程實驗室, 將從口腔臨床醫療實際需求出發,采用最新的科學與工程技術材料,以 “精細、準確、高效、自動 ”為目標開發具有自主知識產權的口腔數字化醫療技術與先進材料,建成口腔醫療數字化技術與材料的應用研究、工程化開發、臨床驗證、標準研究、人才培養、國際交流和技術服務推廣等多功能于一體的研究與開發平臺。

      The predecessor of AT&M Biomaterials Co., Ltd. (referred to as 'ATBIO') was established in 1988. The former Iron and Steel Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy developed from the Physics (13 rooms). It was one of the first enterprises established by the former Iron and Steel Research Institute, and the first batch of key enterprises in the former Beijing High-tech  Enterprise  Pilot  Zone,  specializing in oral materials. R&D, production and operation, determined to become a domestic supplier of advanced oral materials and their products and an industrial  platform  for  medical materials. On November 11, 2011, the 'National Engineering Laboratory of Oral Digital Medical  Technology  and  Materials '  co-built  by  Peking University School of Stomatology and Antai Biological Company was grandly inaugurated. The National Engineering Laboratory is the first national engineering laboratory in the field of oral medicine. Starting from the actual needs of oral clinical medical treatment, it will adopt the latest scientific and engineering technology materials, and develop oral digital medical technology and advanced materials with independent intellectual property rights  with the goal of  'fine,  accurate,  efficient and automatic'. Build a multi-functional research and development platform integrating application research, engineering development,  clinical  verification,  standard  research,  talent  training,  international  exchange  and  technical service promotion of oral medical digital technology and materials.


      北(bei)(bei)京(jing)安泰(tai)生物(wu)(wu)醫(yi)用材料(liao)有限(xian)公(gong)司研(yan)發團(tuan)(tuan)隊承接(jie)了(le)國家863課題研(yan)究, 在與(yu)華西醫(yi)科大學(xue)研(yan)究基(ji)礎上,與(yu)北(bei)(bei)京(jing)大學(xue)口腔醫(yi)學(xue)院團(tuan)(tuan)隊緊密協作,結合北(bei)(bei)大口腔醫(yi)院就 “口腔硬(ying)組織修復材料(liao)研(yan)發和(he)臨床(chuang)關鍵技(ji)術” 項(xiang)目(mu)中(zhong)所研(yan)發的牙(ya)科聚合物(wu)(wu)基(ji)充填修復材料(liao)專利技(ji)術,和(he)“納米纖維增(zeng)強增(zeng)韌樹脂基(ji)復合材料(liao)的方(fang)法 ”( CN-10139 7372-B )專利技術,產業轉化生產出國際先進水平的牙科聚合物基充填修復材料光固化復合樹脂,榮獲北京市自主創新產品。自 1988年研發出牙科銀汞膠囊產品填補了國家空白,制定了國家牙科銀汞產品的標準。自 2002 年起安泰生物開發出一系列高性能牙科新材料,其中光固化納米樹脂產品成為國家首個取得三類牙科樹脂注冊證,流體樹脂、窩溝封閉劑、樁核樹脂、樹脂粘接劑等,與銀汞膠囊、玻璃離子,加聚硅橡膠等傳統產品暢銷國內和國外二十多個國家和地區。

     The R&D team of AT&M Biomaterials Co., Ltd. has undertaken the national 863 research. On the basis of research with West China Medical University, it works closely with the team  of Peking University School of Stomatology,  and combines the research and development of Peking University Stomatology Hospital on the 'Research and Development of Oral Hard Tissue Repair Materials and Clinical Key Technology' project. The patented technology of dental polymerbased filling and restoration materials, and the method of nanofiber enhancement toughening resin matrix composites(CN10139 7372B) Patented technology, the industrial transformation has produced the internationally advanced level of dental polymerbased filling and restoration material light curing composite resin, which has won the award of Beijing's independent innovation product. Since 1988, the development of dental GK Amalgam capsules has filled the national gap and established national standards for dental Amalgam products. Since 2002, AT& M company has developed a series of new highperformance dental materials, among which lightcuring nanoresin products have become the first in the country to obtain a registration certificate for three types of dental resins, such as flowable resins, fissure sealants, DC core resins, resin adhesives, etc., and traditional products such as amalgam capsules, glass ionomer, silicone impressions etc. The products sell well in more than 20 countries and regions home and abroad.


我(wo)們的使命  Our Mission

我們(men)的信條/Our Creed
理念:實現公正透明的交易  尊重個人  同心協力   共創價值
行動原則:安全是一切的基礎  以客戶需求為基本  以現場思考為基本

我們的承諾  Our Commitment